WHEN 9th - 16th october 2009
WHERE Café Mediterrano
(Owner Habib Slim)
Am Ölberg 3
INFO revenues from sold photos were
donated to the Pater-Rupert- Mayer-Centre (educational
institution for disabled children)
in Regensburg, Germany
The philosophical concept for this exhibition was developed during the time of the work on a final thesis at university. It was about 'God' in the thinking of Martin Heidegger. Surely thrilling that something like God does not exist in Heideggerian thought.
But definitely thoughts on truth, which were quite unique in the European philosophy of the 20th century. And truth and God have much to do with each other. For Heidegger truth lies in something he calls 'Unverborgenheit', which might be translated into that which is no more hidden. In this sphere human being yet finds itself in a relation to being.
Events of 'Unverborgenheit' might be full of supposition, or completely given. In any case there seems to be a background of being which conditions the knowing of the foreground. In a way that makes the object of knowing become questionable in its epistemic standing.
Ultimately through his being affected the observer chooses if the background conditions its foreground or the other way around. Can we even recognize something without the background? Of which essence consists the background? Is it the same as the known foreground? Looking at the foreground in an isolated way might be as reasonable as considering Plato's cave shadows to holding truth?