PHOTO-SERIES 'Winter Journey'
TIME 2012 - 2013
INFO Darkroom works inspired
by a cycle of poems from
Wilhelm Müller 'Winter
Journey' of 1830
The cycle of poems 'Winter Journey' by Wilhelm Müller from the year 1830 experienced many interpretations. Two prominent musical ones for example stem from Franz Liszt and Franz Schubert. The latter joins pieces for piano with a singing voice that adds sound to those naturalistic poems.
Naturalistic, because the psychological state of the protagonist gets mirrored in nature and vice versa. The poems got declined through different media interpretatively - text, music, singing. Especially the movie 'Winterreise' from 2006 with Josef Bierbichler as main actor served as inspiration for this analogue photo series.
In one scene the protagonist stands under three suns. In the African desert he gets to see those three suns after a desperate odyssey. 'The Mock Suns' is the title to the corresponding poem in the cycle. So it was tried to photographically translate the relation between inner condition and reception of nature.
Motifs of searching, of the impossibility of finding, of the felt wintry atmosphere of this factuality get shown in those analogue photographs. But also a temporal ease of the path contrasts the human efforts. Which after all leads into a foreignness, which outpaces all suffering finally only through death.