How and why mindfulness can transform your own photography
Paradoxical - on one side photography is an art of skills, there is much so learn regarding technical aspects. The interaction of focal length, shutter speed and ISO for example makes for the exposure of a photograph. Color temperature is adjusted by white balance, focus points co-determine depth of field, and many other camera settings. Alongside you may immerse yourself in compositional principles, color theory, and the study of the masters of photography and painting. And many other learnable facts more.
On the other side there is the one that makes a photo. Whose mind is significantly involved in this creation. In Zen Buddhism a concept circulates which is most adequately translated as beginner's mind.
But it does not refer to a state of mind which does not yet have acquired above-mentioned knowledge and skills. To practice beginner's mind can mean an astonishing greater extent of creativity, for all photographers, those with and without much experience.
'Beginner's Mind', Regensburg, 2021 © Dr. Christine Lehr
What is beginner's mind? You might get a good idea of it by imagining going for a walk in a city you have already been living in for many years. You presume to know it quite well, but one day the upper face of a building, which you haven't recognized before, attracts your attention. A completely new perception, beyond repeating impressions. You are surprised by this new discovery!
Beginner's mind is like bamboo, who is able to adapt softly and flexibly to new influences. In a world that is not only and in any case changing permanently, but comes up with fascinating new things and initially unfamiliarities in every moment, beginner's mind is the state of mind which is open and does not brake at it. Being a beginner in such sense is exceedingly worthwhile, because this openness makes learning possible in the first place.
When creativity is something that leaves seeing habits behind, tries new and unusual things, turns photographic principles upside down, for example through diverting conventional camera functions, then here challenge arises already. Because how to leave habitual patterns, how to become 'beginner' again and see known things for new thing, when you already know so much, when you want to take a specific photograph, or when you have no time at the moment anyway?
Mindfulness meditation is a way to cultivate this beginner's mind. Through directing the attention to the present moment, preferably without judgment. On the one hand, and for the strongly determined, through a regular meditation practice, on the other hand through heightened attention during one's photographic practice. To observe yourself with your camera mindfully might put you into one of those precious moments which is not altered by learned facts or memories.