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Advaita: Paths not Works

Advaita book 2021 - the making

Path not works - these are the words at the beginning of the Heideggerian complete edition. And while this philosopher was on those paths probably his whole life, the process of the making of the 'Advaita' book seems to be more on my knees on the ground.

It has been an exhibition in the year 2009 with the title 'Backgrounds' from which the photographs for the 'Advaita' book stem. Although 2021 the book will consists of former photographic work, it's meaning will be amplified with current philosophical texts. There are three chapters basically dealing with humans becoming conscious and free.

First human knowledge in the Platonic cave, second what Heideggers truth has to do with freedom, and third if there is something like God in Advaita. From thinking to Ereignis, two so fundamentally different spheres like photography and text.

'Advaita' book in the making, Regensburg, 2021 © Dr. Christine Lehr


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