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Ek-sistenz: Why is there anything at all and not rather nothing?

Which thoughts are forming around the development of a new clay sculpture in September 2021

The question, why there ist anything at all and not rather nothing, is not only within occidental philosophy the ultimate last or first metaphysical question. In cultures like the heaven of many Gods in Hinduism there is the worship of Brahma, the God of creation. Next to him and not less important Shiva, the God of death and destruction, rules.

Vishnu, God of maintenance, would be a mythological equivalent to the law of conservation of energy of modern physics? Which says that the whole energy of a system does not change, only its parts may change their form. This means, nothing gets lost. Ice becomes water, water becomes vapor, rain or snow etc.

Physics due to its positivistic robe does not seem to be humanistically concerned with those phenomena. Philosophers are already moved by the main features of thoughts about the non-visible, the metaphysical. Because is it not highly exciting that nothing gets lost?

Maybe we won't get lost either? And that things only appear to loose their Ek-sistenz? If they just changed their form, wouldn't that make us celebrate?

Clay sculpture no. 53, Regensburg, 2021 © Dr. Christine Lehr


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